
投稿信箱:ssci#ssci.cc szgmtgs#126.com


01陈婷婷  谢  宇  孙  强  增加值视角下中国服务贸易发展方式转变研究Cheng Ting-ting  Xie Yu  Sun Qiang  Research on the Transformation of China’s Services Trade Development Mode Based on Export Value Added

02陈  琳  美国“国家制造创新网络”战略及其对中国制造业发展的启示Chen Lin  The Enlightenment of the US National Networking of Manufacturing Innovation Strategy to the Development of China’s Manufacturing Industry

03李昌奎  我国农业补贴制度框架与政策工具组合选择研究Li Changkui  The Research on Agricultural Subsidy Framework and the Choices of Policy Tools’ Combination in China                           

04王爱清  林秀梅财务共享服务模式在企业集团中的应用研究Wang Aiqing  Lin Xiumei Application of Financial Sharing Service Model in Enterprise Groups

05苑恒轶  王  涵  新工科背景下智能制造人才培养模式探索Yuan Hengyi  Wang Han Training Mode of Intelligent Manufacturing Talents under the Emerging Engineering Education 

06童  星  晋升锦标赛理论视角下教育政策执行偏差研究——以农村中小学调整政策为例Tong Xing: Education Policy Implementation Deviation’s Cause Analysis: the Perspective of Promotion Tournament Theory

07周凯歌  基于本科生学习心理特点的管理学科教学模式优化研究——以《运营管理》课程为例Zhou Kaige  Research on the Optimization of Management Subject Teaching Mode Based on the Characteristics of Undergraduates’ Learning Psychology

08杜鹤民现代工业设计应用技术高等教育发展路径及对策Du Hemin  Development Path and Countermeasure of Modern Industrial Design Applied Technology Higher Education